Types of Graves at Gonur Depe Bronze Age Site in Turkmenistan

Mirza Firuz Shah
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Alamgir III 2012-Present
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Nadezhda Dubova
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All information in this article was prepared and discussed together by prof. V. Sarianidi and N. Dubova. The small abstract of it, which is published in the volume of 9. ICAANE, was also written together. Unfortunately, after the passing of Prof. Victor Sarianidi on December 22th, 2013, the preparation of the text and the illustrations were made by only one author, so all mistakes and misunderstandings are her’s only.
Gonur Depe (2300–1600 Cal BC), situated in the South-Eastern Turkmenistan in the Kara-Kum desert, is a typical and the brightest monument of the Bactria-Margiana archaeological complex (BMAC) and has some cultural parallels with Near Eastern cultures and with Indus civilization as well (Sarianidi 1990, 2002, 2005, 2007 etc.). It has been excavated since 1974.
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