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What is the purpose of this Platform for Papers and Essays"?
One of the biggest challenges to research held or paper published is Plagiarism. It is a major concern in the area of research which results in the poor quality of research. Proper software tools are now available to detect and deter plagiarism. The increased visibility of theses and dissertations through open access repositories would further act as a deterrent to plagiarism.
Thus, we have made this platform to share and preserve different types of essays and papers from around the world, related to historic research by all kinds of individuals and enthusiasts.
If you are a Research Scholar you can upload your research or thesis?
For uploading a paper, You have to register into The Mughal Library and use this form here. Our Administrators will verify and authenticate your work and send an approval. The paper or essay should be uploaded as per the formats and standards suggested by us in the form in order to maintain the standard and quality.
Do we test the content of the theses for the plagiarism?
No, It is the responsibility of Research Scholar or the publisher to check for plagiarism contents by using standard anti plagiarism software.