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India, 1783 During Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II 1759–1806


Mirza Firuz Shah


Shah Alam II 1759–1806
A map of India, subtitled "The Beginnings of British Dominion." This map is color–coded to show the possessions of Britain, France, Portugal, and the Netherlands established in India, circa 1783, at the time of the aborted India Bill (1783), by which British Parliament attempted to reform the East India Company. The map shows the non–European territories, including Assam, Oudh (Awadh), Rajputana, the Sikh Confederacy, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Baluchistan, Sind, Rohilkhand, Hyderabad, Mysore, and others. The map shows mountain systems and terrain, rivers, and coastal features.
Mughal Library