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We specialize in books which were written between the period of 600 AD till the Present, focused on the Central Asia region in languages such as Arabic, Turkish, Persian, English, Hindi, Urdu, and other European languages whenever available.


Book Search works just like web search. Try a search inside our E-Books or on our advanced search. When we find a book with content that contains a match for your search terms, we'll link to it in your search results.


The Library Project makes it possible for users to search for historic books through a variety of books in many different languages, including books that are rare, out of print, or generally unavailable outside of the library system.

View a book in the Library Project

If a book from the Mughal Library is out of copyright or in the public domain, then we will make it fully available to the public and you'll be able to read the book from start to finish.

Otherwise, you'll still be able to search through the text of the book, Mughal Library will only display a few snippets of text to show you where your search term appears within the text of the book. Sometimes rights holders of in-copyright books give us permission to show more than snippets. In those cases, you might see a percentage of pages from the book, or even the entire book, depending on the wishes of the rights holder.


If we know a book exists, but haven’t scanned it yet, you will only see basic bibliographic information about the book, similar to what you might find in a library catalog. If you want to find a print copy, use the ISBN or any link associated with the book on that page.


How to Contribute your Books?

We have set up a format for you to easily contribute your books to us here.

In the notes section, you can let us know the amount of book you are willing to display and selling links if any.

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