Translated and Edited
Mohammed Q, Binghalib
of the
Deposition of Rao Saheb Dated 4th July 1862
Tatya Tope fled from this place to Banswara and plundered some chattels there. Then another engagement with the English army took place at Partabgarh and Tatya Tope fled. Fourth day, after, there was again a battle against the English army and Tatya Tope fled. Four or five days after we crossed the Chanbel (Chambal), and reached near a fort in the Jeypur territory. Now we met Firoz Shah and Tatya Tope, Firoz Shah and myselfcame to Jeypur territory where we againfaced the English army. Then we came flying to Dhousa. There was again a battle with the English. One night Tatya Tope left us, un-informed, with half of the army and since then we
have not met. Isaid to Firoz Shah that we mightpresent ourselves before the English ifhe so wished; and he consented. Then we both came towards Sironj. Firoz Shah said that he had sent his Vakil for establishing good relations with the English. Then I sent my servant Mohd. Ishaq as a Vakil to the General at Sironj, with a verbal request of presenting myself.
Question :
If you were not a rebel why were you there with Firoz Shah?
Answer :
When Tatya Tope left me I thought it was in my power to join the English but I had no friend or acquaintance to introduce me. If I along would join I would be killed. Therefore, first] sent my Vakil, Mohd. Ishaq to the General. I could not present myselfbefore the English because I was in Tatya Tope’s captivity.