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Confidential Memo Dated Yarkund 25th Nov 1873 and Dated Kashgar 11th Dec 1873

Confidential Memo Dated Yarkund 25th Nov 1873 and Dated Kashgar 11th Dec 1873

Mughal Finanacial Records


March 16, 2023 at 12:30:12 PM

The National Archives of India


Yarkund Mission

The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road

Foreign Department

25 November 1873



Secret Branch

Letter Size




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Confidential Memo., No.101, Dated Yarkund, 25th November 1873.

From Envoy to Yurkand, To Seceretary to the Government of India, Foreign department.


Since the last mail bag was despatehed l have had some trouble. owing to a strong attempt made by some evil designed persons to excite a religious feeling against the Hindoos; and anonymous and false complaints were Brought Before Syud Yakoob Khan. Here was good ground for suspecting Bunyad Ali to be the primary mover in this business, and circumstances transpired which obliged me to place Faiz Buksh. in confinement and to search his papers. A Court of Enquiry composed of Colonel Gordon, Dr. Bellew, and Captain Biddulph was ordered and has recorded proceedings which can he inspected on our return to lndia. Enough has been elicited to show that confidence cannot be placed in Faiz Buksh, and as a precautionary measure he will be kept under surveillance till the Treaty is signed. The Syud took rather a serious view of the matter, for if once the Priests prejudiees are roused he says the Atalik Ghazee dare not oppose them, and the Syud is aware that the Dadkhwah is at heart jealous of his success and would not be sorry to see him. thwarted; and matters became more complicated by the sudden appearance of Kassim Al-zoon and certain Cashmere-es in the city. The Syud has Heazd that this man received two thousand rupees from the Maharaja, for which of course some service is expected in return.


The position is sufficiently delicate to cause anxiety from which I will not be free till the Treaty is signed. I have placed the saliety of the Mission in the Syud's hands and followed his advice. Bunyad Ali was sent for and the Syud in my presence told him plainly that as I have papers in his writing which would conviet him in any Court, we hold him responsible for putting an end to all this agitation, and should it again break out he would find Hindoostan and this country too hot to hold him.


This perhaps will have the desired effect, as regards Kassim Akcon, the Syud is to have him removed from kogyar to some more remote par, but i fear there is no getting command over the cashmere party.


It must not be forgotten that Ramdeen tried to accompany us, and held a duplicate set of orders from Kirparam to suit his own purpose. I still wish to believe that the Maharaja is sincere, but the Syud concurs with me in distrusting Kirparam and Nukshbundi.


I have not been able to do anything in the way of sending men to open out the dak via Budukshan though it is exceedingly desirable that this should be done had I men to employ. Afzul Khan, whom I intended to utlize in this way, is the only man I trust here, so he cannot be spared.


Abraham Khan has disappointed me, and Faiz Buksh has put himself out of the question altogether.


Besides, there are two men employed by the Punjab Government here. These men ought not to be acting inlependently of this mission, and I have told them that so long as I am in the country they must consider themselves as under my orders; and should the Pnnjah Government wish to communicate with either of them, I shall be much obliged if Jlis Honor the Licutenant Governor will make me the medium.


Since my arrival here a detatehment of troops has come in from Manass, and I learn that the Atalik's son, Beg Kulli Beg, after taking Manass had a fight with the Chinese somewhere in the direction of Koomul and was defeatcd; after which the Beg Kulli Beg appointed a relative of Daood-Kulfa (who died about five months ago), Governor of Manass and leaving a garrison of troops there returned to Oorumtsi. It is said that the distance Between Manass and Kuldja is 16 posting stages, of which above one-half are in the hands of the Atalik and the other half belong to the Russians, amountainous pass dividing the two powers. It is said that the Russians assisted the chinese in their late fight with Beg Kalli Beg by sending them double-barreled guns; this would accord with the information given by Mr. Wade to the Viceroy in his letter of Junc last. lt is also said here that some of the Manass people have lied to Kuldja, and this accords with the statement
made hy Mr. 'Vemiskolf (see Michcll's confidential papers, No. XLVI. of the 11th May).


That the Atalik. has brought. himself into dangerous proximity to the Russians on his north-west frontier is very evident, and this increases his dread of that Power. Syud Yakoob Khan deprecates this advance beyond the mountains, which were easily defensible, into the northern valleys, as rendering the Atalik exposed to attacks on both sides.


Confidential Memo., no.109, Dated Kashgar, 11th December 1873.

From Envoy to Yurkand, To Seceretary to the Government of India, Foreign department.


My public letter and extract from Diary describes the welcome we have received, and there can be no manner of doubt that the Ameer, 1s most ansions to place the relations between our two Governments on a firm basis.


As yet I have had no private interviews with him direct, but Syud Yakoob Khan has had several confidential communications with me on the part of his master. It would be premature for me to give details; but, in a general way, I may say that matters look most promising.

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