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Receipts of Payments Made to Fazil Ahmad Khan and Khan Muhammad Khan. (19 Zulqada 1273 A.H=12 July 1857) Bear Seals of the Writer

Receipts of Payments Made to Fazil Ahmad Khan and Khan Muhammad Khan. (19 Zulqada 1273 A.H=12 July 1857) Bear Seals of the Writer

Secret Papers


April 6, 2023 at 7:50:49 AM

National Archives of India


Receipts of Payments Made to Fazil Ahmad Khan and Khan Muhammad Khan. (19 Zulqada 1273 A.H=12 July 1857) Bear Seals of the Writer.

The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road


July 27 , 1857


162 - 3




April 5, 2023 at 8:00:00 PM


Mohammed Q, Binghalib


Mughal Library Copyright WaterMark.png

The Translation and Comment


 Mohammed Abdulkarim:

 of Original Document:


To—  The  King  Nourisher  of  the  Poor  

RESPECTFULLY  SHEWETH,—That  we  slaves  having  built  a house,  with  one  open  hall  and  one  room,  at  our  own  personal expense  outside  the  Fort,  on  ground  the  property  of  the  State near  Ellenborough  Tank,  for  which  we  have  paid  ground rent,  to  your  Majesty,  for  the  last  ten  or  twelve  years,  and  had our  residence  there.  Since  yesterday,  the  Troopers  of  the Regiment  of  Cavalry,  which  left  the  Hayat  Bakhsh  Garden, and  has  come  out  of  the  Palace,  have  forcibly  occupied  your slave’s  dwelling  above  referred  to.  We  have,  from  antiquity, been  your  Majesty’s  home-born  slaves  and  servants,  and  we accordingly  depend  on  your  fostering  consideration,  for  the issue  ofa   prohibition,  against our  being  molested  in  the  occupancy  of  our  house.  (Prayers  for  the  prosperity  of  the  reign), Petition  of  the  slaves,  Anmad  Khan  and  Muhammad  Khan, Mace-bearers,  servants  of  the  King. Autograph  order  by  the  King,  in  Pencil Mirza  Moghal  will  issue  orders  that  the  Troopers  were directed  to  encamp  outside  the  City.  They  will  accordingly now  go  out.  If  they  require  Marquees  or  Tents,  they  will  be supplied  with  them.  They  must  not  oppress  old  residents. Let  them  indent  on  the  Government  for  Tents  and  Marquees. 


Transcript  of  the  King’s  Order  on  the  reverse  in  ink. 


Note   on  the   reverce —‘‘A  written  order  has  been issued’’, 


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