Saligram of Dareeba to the King Prays that a Harkarah May Be allawed to accompany him and Bring His Carriage Which is In the Custody of Tara Brahmin at arab Sarai Vers. Nasirud-Din Thanahdar Badarpur, Gets the Carriage Made Over to Saligram
Saligram of Dareeba to the King Prays that a Harkarah May Be allawed to accompany him and Bring His Carriage Which is In the Custody of Tara Brahmin at arab Sarai Vers. Nasirud-Din Thanahdar Badarpur, Gets the Carriage Made Over to Saligram
Secret Papers
April 5, 2023 at 8:51:42 AM
National Archives of India
Saligram of Dareeba to the King Prays that a Harkarah May Be allawed to accompany him and Bring His Carriage Which is In the Custody of Tara Brahmin at arab Sarai Vers. Nasirud-Din Thanahdar Badarpur, Gets the Carriage Made Over to Saligram.
The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road
July 28, 1857
April 4, 2023 at 8:00:00 PM
Mohammad Qassim Binghalib

The Translation and Comment
Mohammed Abdulkarim:
of Original Document:
To—The King Shelter of the World
RESPECTFULLY SHEWETH,—That your slave’s Bullock Train, for passengers and parcels, had been long running between Delhi and Muttra. When the revolt of the Troops occurred all his arrangements were deranged, and one of his wagons, which had been coming from Muttra, remained at the Arab Serai, in consequence of the disturbed state of the Country. The people in whose charge the wagon was left now decline being responsible for its safety, and importune your slave to have it brought away to Delhi. Your slave depends on Your Majesty’s kindness and consideration, therefore, to allow him the aid of a peon to have the wagon brought in safety from the Arab Serai, and your slave will ever pray for Your Majesty’s life and prosperity. It was necessary, and has there fore been submitted. (Prayers for the prosperity of the reign). Petition of the slave Saligram, proprietor of Bullock Train, subject of the King, resident of the Dariba. No date.
Order on the reverse, attested hy the State seal of the King
Ordered, that the Police Officer submit a statement, dated 27th July 1857.
Separate slip attached, being a short abstract of Saligram’s petition, with amplification of the King’s order. ‘A wagon belonging to the petitioner is standing at the Arab Serai’’.
Exposition of order
Mirza Moghal Bahadur will send a peon with Saligram, Bullock Train proprietor, to have the wagon brought into the City in safety.